ーHare's worldー 晴れ(Hare)が紡ぎ出す絵と物語 宇宙の生命、それらが憧れる地球の女神 魅惑の世界が広がる Arts and stories spun by Hare. Lifeform in the universe, the goddess of the earth that they yearn for, the fascinating world spreads

《大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ(The Gigantic Tribe(ARCHANGEL) CATALOGUE)》
⑨瞳の部屋(The room of the pupil)

大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ ⑨瞳の部屋(The room of the pupil)

mechanical pencil(シャープペンシル),
illustration board 7×14×0.2cm
(Total catalogue(Page 1):illustration board 30×42×0.2cm(A3))

《大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ(The Gigantic Tribe(ARCHANGEL) CATALOGUE)》

⑨瞳の部屋(The room of the pupil)
:Those who LIE in The Ruins and APPEAL to The Third Eye(遺跡で横たわりサードアイに訴えかける者)
・オリジナル(Original) 2000m

[◯“Height[m]” の色について
(About ◯“Height[m]” color)]
(“Reduced projected clone” percentage)
・色の違い(Difference in color)
緑(Green) :オリジナル(Original)
青(Blue) :ムーに由来(Derived from Mu)

《大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ(The Gigantic Tribe(ARCHANGEL) CATALOGUE)》Page 1

《大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ(The Gigantic Tribe(ARCHANGEL) CATALOGUE)》Page 2

《このカタログに関連したアートワーク(Artwork related to this catalogue)》
瞳の部屋(The room of the pupil)


【瞳の部屋(The room of the pupil)】

週に一度の帰宅の度に、いつも興味深げに聞き入っている娘を 普段なかなか会えないお詫びも兼ねて、特別に連れてきた。







“This pattern is to what?”
My daughter who was brought to here together, asked while looking up at the wall.
“Are not know?”
Daughter murmured while looking up at me by unsatisfied.
So, I do not know. While working on the elucidation of here much almost the last five years, we can not clarify.
In celebration of the 8-year-old birthday of my daughter today, I was brought daughter to ruins where has worked now.
Each time the returning home of once in a week, my daughter has listened always interesting to my story.
For such a daughter, as an apology that can not easily meet me, I was brought daughter specially to the ruins.
“Yes, I do not know.”
“Somehow, this is looks like eyes.”
“Yes, this.”
Saying, daughter rised your finger from the bottom to the top while pointing at the wall with the delicate hand.
She is like tracing the pattern of the wall,
depicting the character of gentle reverse S like a wave.
“the eyes ?, where the eyes?”
And while tilting the face towards me, daughter closed right eye.
“Oh, it is true, the eye.”
I also had watched with mouth open and tilting the head.
If there was a person who were watching us from behind, it would have been funny.
I and daughter, tilt your head to the left, while staring at the pattern toward the wall, was had stood side by side than 30 minutes.

Oh, something nostalgic.
Yeah, because from the time of the 8-year-old. I do not remember so much.
But, this eye remember.
The eye came out in dream,
when recently I shopping, I am that eye is overlaps the streets. Come out even when what are you doing.
To feel the eye is calling, I tried to come here for the first time in eight years.
Papa has not yet come. Today is supposed to come here in the afternoon at periodic report.
This morning, arrived at the ruins away 500km from home, by the guidance of the colleague of dad, came to this “the room of the pupil”.

“Who are you?”
I muttered while looking up at the eye.
“You called me … I also wanted to come.”
Voice echoing in the room is sucked into the silence, it was also silent.

Faintly hear something in silence.
Faint treble … gentle treble …

How much would the time has passed ?
Did not notice have immersed in the treble, I looked up that the grain of light is dancing to around her eye.
Light is increasing Gradually.
From among the walls, light emanating from the eye.
“Oh, what is this light … very beautiful.”
“Your light? … To me …”

Eyes will open as if she was listening to my words.
“Ah, eye will open”
My father came back was involuntarily aloud.
In this room that nothing is happened by our attempt, eyes will open for my daughter.

In this room is no lighting, And only eight lamp provided around the eye, but can be seen until the details of the eye.
At the pupil that appeared in the back of the eye that will open, the grain of light is dancing.
Into the iris also, to around the iris also, the grain of the light is dancing.
Drow arc from the iris, for return to the iris. It occurred in front of the iris, jumping out to here.
Jet black eye, such as being sucked.
Light of jet Black is shining in the back of a grain of light.


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