mechanical pencil(シャープペンシル),
illustration board 7×14×0.2cm
(Total catalogue(Page 1):illustration board 30×42×0.2cm(A3))
《大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ(The Gigantic Tribe(ARCHANGEL) CATALOGUE)》
⑤告白の泉(Spring of Confession)
:Those who PROTECT The SKIP-CYLINDER(スキップシリンダーを護る者)
・クローン(Clone) 1000m
[◯“Height[m]” の色について
(About ◯“Height[m]” color)]
(“Reduced projected clone” percentage)
・色の違い(Difference in color)
緑(Green) :オリジナル(Original)
青(Blue) :ムーに由来(Derived from Mu)
→《大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ(The Gigantic Tribe(ARCHANGEL) CATALOGUE)》Page 1
→《大いなる種族(大天使)カタログ(The Gigantic Tribe(ARCHANGEL) CATALOGUE)》Page 2
《このカタログに関連したアートワーク(Artwork related to this catalogue)》
→告白の泉(Spring of Confession)
→過去生の記憶(Memories of Past life)
【告白の泉(Spring of Confession)】
It was a long way to this old body. The feet trembling on the spiral staircase which had over 1000 steps.
Her ears finally appeared in front of my eyes. Even if it says an ear, there is no earlobe on this side, there is also no ear hole.
Before the eyes is, like a hand holding an elongated finger, like a huge spider, like a branch of a tree.
However, it is transparent. No, it is shaped by the light emitted from the ear.
It is said that you can receive from her if you granting her your wish. And that wish is said to be the place you want to go.
I muttered the name of a planet in another star system. Then a light like a branch came out and the light of a double spiral slowly extended slowly from the center of the light.
I got off the elevator descending of inside the spiral staircase and began to climb the transparent stairs on the tube.
You can see something cylindrical on her shoulder where you walked around the tree next to the tree where the spiral staircase was engraved.
It is a skip cylinder that that hears rumors.
Here is the ruins of the Gigantic tribe who went to sleep while protecting the space moving device.
Thing itself of Visiting to here is difficult,
However, becase you can go to the place you want to visit, visitors is not few.