ーHare's worldー 晴れ(Hare)が紡ぎ出す絵と物語 宇宙の生命、それらが憧れる地球の女神 魅惑の世界が広がる Arts and stories spun by Hare. Lifeform in the universe, the goddess of the earth that they yearn for, the fascinating world spreads

📖《絵本(Picture book)》
船の丘(Hill of Ship)

《表紙アートワーク(Cover artwork)》

mechanical pencil(シャープペンシル),
watercolor pencil,
illustration board 21×30×0.1cm(A4)

《各ページのアートワーク(Each page artwork)》

Watercollor pencil,
acrylic (page1 only:stars only),
illustration board 9×12.8×0.1cm
(16 artworks are drawn collected in one sheet / 1sheet:illustration board 36×52×0.1cm(B3 size))

《宇宙のおとぎ話(Fairy tale of universe)》

【船の丘(Hill of Ship)】

むかしむかし、緑の星がありました。  📖page1
樹の幹はとっても太く、背もとっても高かったのです。                 📖page3
葉の色は少し薄く、幹の色も少し薄いのでした。                 📖page4
でも、その幹はとっても硬く、枝を伐ろうとした人たちは何年も掛かったのでした。     📖page5
やっと枝を伐り終えて樹を倒おすことになりました。                 📖page6



Once upon a time, there was a green star. 📖page1
All of this star had been covered with green leaves.                📖page2
Trunk of the trees was very thick, trees was very high.                 📖page3
Among such trees, there was the biggest tree.
The color of the leaves is a little thin, the color of the stem also did a little thin.        📖page4
But, the stem is very hard, people who tried to cut the branchs was the also took many years.   📖page5
And branchs finished cut,
and people became to chopped down tree. 📖page6
So that the city of people are not crushed, the tree was brought down on the opposite side of the city.
But going on earthquake, half of the city broke.
After that, the people began to hollow out the tree.
And dug a hole in the vicinity ground, accumulate water, did was put the water in the tree.
The inside of the tree was divided into several cavity.
Water was placed in the cavity closest to the base.
In the other cavity released the animals,
also in the other cavity was put something of their owns furniture and tools and personal belongings.
People had put the food in the further other cavity.
And, a lot of people was gathering at the vicinity of the tree, people began to blow the instrument such as a flute.
Then, from a place higher than the clouds of the sky, many many something large transparent came down toward the tree.
Those of transparency becomes the wheel at the top of the tree, there was around in side by side for a while.
Many people began to enter the inside of the tree.
When the last people close the entrance, it became cue, those of transparency began covering the trees.
Tree is covered all, and shine through in the things of transparency.
One of the things of transparency has issued something voice.
So, the those of transparency has a mouth, and has also eyes.
Everything of transparency is answered in the voice, and the tree was began to float slowly slowly.
City will become small small, and until no longer visible, more and more, more and more, the tree went up.
Clouds long ago became at the bottom, went up more and more.
Around sky becomes increasingly dim, and was at last become a starry sky.
Those of transparency went away one by one from the tree, and had been floating around for a while in the vicinity of the tree,
All at once they went down to the bottom.
After that, from a small hole of the base of the tree, water of boils at a vacuum was blow out vigorously.
Tree started to move slowly, and gradually went away from the green star.
Tree is over a long time, and traveled the starry sky, and arrived in the star of blue waters.

“Teacher, why to something fairy tale to a history class?”
“Yeah, everyone know such a story.”
“Yeah. know everybody.”
“But, know that it is real story?”
“You must be kidding.”
“Not that there is no way something like that would happen.”
“Thats right.”
“The name of this city where everyone is living is referred to as 『the city of the beginning』.”
“And, what is the name of the hill on the other side of the park and forests?”
“Um,『Hill of Ship』.”
“That’s it.”
“Do you know there is a large round tower to the top of the hill?”
“Of course. It is a symbol of this city.”
“Symbol is visible from anywhere.”
“Yes, also visible from the window of the classroom.”
“That is the tree.”

Children, listen to the fairy tale from the time of birth, and grow up to see the tower.
And, they are supposed to listen to the story of the tree in the class of the first history in school.
Then, they think the companions which would have arrived at the other stars,
and they live ….


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