ーHare's worldー 晴れ(Hare)が紡ぎ出す絵と物語 宇宙の生命、それらが憧れる地球の女神 魅惑の世界が広がる Arts and stories spun by Hare. Lifeform in the universe, the goddess of the earth that they yearn for, the fascinating world spreads

地球の女神(Goddess of The Earth)

“地球の女神”は私(晴れ Hare)のツインレイである。 彼女は10億年前、光の心を半分持つ唯一の闇の存在である私と“陰陽のツインレイ”の契約をした。 彼女はその光の心に闇を半分植え付ける為に、地球で最多の80回の輪廻の中で様々な苦しみを受けてきた存在である。 今生での“地球ムーの復活”の為に、私と逢うことを願いながら10億年間待ち続けた姿をアートワークとして描き留めた。 (その裏で同様に私も、“星団系七歳”と言われながら“銀河星団”の仲間と伴に地球で輪廻を続け、10億年間苦しみに耐え続けてきた。(“星団系七歳”とは、宇宙の支配種族である“七歳の星”の種族でありながら、光の心を持つが故に母星を追放され、支配種族や宇宙連合に刃向かう銀河星団に入った存在⇒“星団系七歳”は、宇宙において“宇宙の伝説”として10億年経った現在でも語り継がれているそうだ)) “Goddess of The Earth” is my (Hare) twin-ray. She made a “light-dark twin-ray” contract with me, the only dark being with half a heart of light, one billion years ago. She is a being who has suffered various kinds of suffering in the 80 cycles of reincarnation, the most on earth, in order to implant half of the darkness into her heart of light. I have made an artwork of her waiting for one billion years, hoping to see me in this-life for the “Return of Earth Mu”. (In the background, I, too, have endured suffering for one billion years as I continue to reincarnate on Earth with my “The Galaxy Star Clusters” comrades while being told that I am “Seven-years-old of Star Clusters”.(“Seven-year-old of Star Clusters” are a race of “The seven-year-old Star” the dominant race in the universe, however who was expelled from my home planet because I have a heart of light, and joined The Galaxy Star Clusters that defies the dominant race and The Space Alliance.⇒”Seven-year-old of Star Clusters” is still talked about in the universe as a “Legend of the universe” even one billion years later.))