ーHare's worldー 晴れ(Hare)が紡ぎ出す絵と物語 宇宙の生命、それらが憧れる地球の女神 魅惑の世界が広がる Arts and stories spun by Hare. Lifeform in the universe, the goddess of the earth that they yearn for, the fascinating world spreads

七歳の星クローン兵器専用 中距離移動用試作機 試運用発艦前準備(Exclusive use of clone weapons of The seven-year-old star Prototype model for medium-range movement Preparation of taking off warship for test run)

七歳の星クローン兵器専用 中距離移動用試作機 試運用発艦前準備

mechanical pencil(シャープペンシル),
watercolor pencil,
illustration board 21×30×0.1cm(A4)

Prototype model of machine for medium-range movement form in clone weapons.

《兵器仕様(Weapon specifications)》

【七歳の星クローン兵器専用 中距離移動用試作機 試運用発艦前準備(Exclusive use of clone weapons of The seven-year-old star Prototype model for medium-range movement Preparation of taking off warship for test run)】




〈Clone weapons〉
・Battle-humanoid-form-weapons of“The star of Seven-Year-Old”as the dominant tribe of the galaxy
・Height is about 40 m
・The clone weapons is using the pilot’s genes, the weapons of expanded-projecting-clone that arranged the pilot’s physique as matching with battle
・Gene provider pilot for clone is maneuvering clone by thought by boarding a pilot sphere in the lumbar region
・Defensive skin as standard

〈Prototype model for medium-range movement〉
・Prototype machine for when clone weapons move to the battlefield
・Overall length 40 m
・incorporate a Dark matter-propulsion-ball as a propulsion device and the pilot can operate by thought through clone
・Equipped with a crystal as a power source of each mechanism and electronic equipment of machine
・A structure that fixes the whole body of a clone according to the physique of each clone
Structure to fix also the pilot sphere
・Weapons can be equipped at the tip of machine
Crystal cannon developed simultaneously with main body of prototype machine

〈Weapons hangar〉
・Movement of workers in the weapons-hangar is done by the worker’s psychokinesis guiding the Moving-plate provided with the dark-matter-propelling-ball
・Wearing weapons on prototype is done by the worker’s psychokinesis guiding the Moving-clamper provided with the dark-matter-propelling-ball
・Even if the door of the weapons hangar is open, the air in the weapon hangar will not leak to space due to the gravity action of the dark-matter-curtain


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