mechanical pencil(シャープペンシル),
illustration board 18×26×0.1cm(B5)
(illustration board size 36×26×0.2mm(B4))
《私達の宇宙船(Our Spaceship)》
・全長(Over-all length):240m
・船殻(Ship hull)
本体部(Body part)
:鏡面船殻(Mirror surface ship hull)
卵形楕円球体部(Egg-shaped oval sphere part)
:透明船殻(Transparent ship hull)
This is a spaceship made by the “The seven-year-old star,” which I have been using since I belonged to The Space Alliance before I joined The Galaxy Star Clusters.
I was born to a race of The seven-year-old star, the dominant race in the universe. However, I was born as the only being with a heart of light among The seven-year-old star race, a dark race known as the devil race. For this reason, I was looked at strangely by my own race and by other races belonging to The Space Alliance, who called me “Mr. metamorphosis”. I was later expelled from my home planet and from The Space Alliance.
Upon my banishment, I was allowed to join The Galaxy Star Clusters, which had previously been my enemy, along with my comrades, who were assigning to my starship.
Then I and my comrades and would use our spaceship to fight as part of The Galaxy Star Clusters against my home planet and The Space Alliance.
《“私達の宇宙船”が登場するアートワーク(Artworks featuring “Our Spaceship”)》
→真の闇のモノ達 #2ー真に純粋な輝くモノー(True darkness things #2ーA truly pure shining thingー)
→真の闇のモノ達 #3ー暗闇に潜むモノー (True darkness things #3ーA thing lurking in the darknessー)
→発動するか?巨大ブレードクリスタルキャノンー新たな仲間“大天使”ー(Will it be activated? Giant-blade-crystal-cannonーNew comrade “Archangel”ー)
※Artwork depicting the “artwork perspective” of the enlarged image)
→地球の女神ー銀河星団“護衛艦隊”ー(Goddess of The EarthーThe Galaxy Star Clusters “Fleet Escort Force”ー)