ーHare's worldー 晴れ(Hare)が紡ぎ出す絵と物語 宇宙の生命、それらが憧れる地球の女神 魅惑の世界が広がる Arts and stories spun by Hare. Lifeform in the universe, the goddess of the earth that they yearn for, the fascinating world spreads

銀河星団の航空戦艦(Carrier Battleships of The Galaxy Star Clusters)


mechanical pencil(シャープペンシル),
illustration board 21×30×0.1cm(A4)

《この構造説明図に関連したアートワーク(Artwork related to this structural drawing)》

地球の女神ー銀河星団“護衛艦隊”ー(Goddess of The EarthーThe Galaxy Star Clusters “Fleet Escort Force”ー)

シリンダー型宇宙船(The cylinder type space ship)

《この構造説明図に関連した構造説明図(Structural drawing related to this structural drawing)》

銀河星団の戦艦(Battleships of The Galaxy Star Clusters)

銀河星団の航空戦艦に搭載の戦闘機(Fighters carried in The Carrier Battleships of The Galaxy Star Clusters)

私達の宇宙船(Our Spaceship)

【銀河星団の航空戦艦(Carrier Battleships of The Galaxy Star Clusters)】

・全長(Over-all length):700m

 (The front part of the hull takes the form of a battleship and the rear part of an fighter carrier)



[シールド方法(Shielding Method)]
(The Dark-Matter-Repulsion-Force-Shield-Sphere is ejected forward from the bow, and the Shield-Control-Sphere inside the carrier battleship controls the Dark-Matter-Repulsion-Force-Shield-Sphere to deploy the shield)

 (The main body of the carrier battleship (inside the deployed Multiple Beam Cannon) is shielded from enemy beams and material shells by the repulsive energy of the Dark-Matter-Repulsion-Force-Shield-Sphere)

 (The entire carrier battleship, including the deployed Multiple Beam Cannon, is shielded by the repulsive energy of the Dark-Matter-Repulsion-Force-Shield-Sphere, which shrinks the repulsive energy to inside the Multiple Beam Cannon only when the Multiple Beam Cannon fires)

《ビーム砲(Beam Cannon)》

 (Multiple Beam Cannon:8cannons)
   (Normal mode:Fire in 4 directions(up,down,left,right))
   (Forward and backward firing mode:Deploys Multiple Beam Cannons and fires forward and backward)

 (Front Large Beam Cannon:4cannons)
   (Normal mode:Fire forward in Single muzzle per cannon)
   (Deploymemt mode:Deploys Front large beam cannon and fire forward in two muzzles per cannon)


[メイン艦橋(Main Bridge)]
  (Located in the center of the hull)
  (The bridge has three layers, and the entire bridge is covered by a transparent capsule)
  (The bridge can be retracted when engaging the enemy, etc.)

[航宙管制艦橋(Space Traffic Control Bridge)]
  (Located at the upper rear of the hull)
  (The bridge has two layers, and the entire bridge is covered by a transparent capsule)
  (The bridge can be retracted when needed)

[サブ航宙管制艦橋(Sub Space Traffic Control Bridge)]
  (Located at the lower rear of the hull)
  (The bridge is a one layer structure, and the entire bridge is covered by a transparent capsule)
  (The bridge can be retracted when needed)


 (Main Propulsion Ball:2balls)

 (Sub Propulsion Ball:2balls)

 (Propulsion Ball Activated at Max Propulsion(Maximum-Propulsion-Ball):2balls)

 (※The Maximum-Propulsion-Ball inside the carrier battleship is connected to the Main Propulsion Ball, which is half exposed outside the carrier battleship, and at the dark-matter propulsion maximum state, the Maximum-Propulsion-Ball moves inside the carrier battleship as the entire Main Propulsion Ball is exposed outside the carrier battleship)

《艦載戦闘機(Carrier-Based Fighters)》

・飛行甲板(Flight Deck):4段(4decks)

 (5 squadrons (45 fighters) on one flight deck)

 (20 squadrons (180 fighters) on all four flight decks)

・ダークマター球 引斥力カタパルト:各段に10台、全40台
 (Dark-Matter Sphere Attraction and Repulsion Force Catapult:10 machines per stage, 40 machines in all)

(※Fighter pilots using catapults near the left and right ends of the flight deck may enter the repulsive energy field of the dark-matter-propulsion-ball of the carrier battleship immediately after departure, increasing the speed of the fighter.)

《飛行隊編成(Squadron Organization)》

・有人機1機 + 無人機8機
 (1 manned fighter + 8 unmanned fighters)

 (A manned fighter commands an unmanned fighter as its captain)

《地球決戦の前に地球の女神を護衛した艦隊に加わった航空戦艦の部隊エンブレム(Unit emblem of the carrier battleships that joined the fleet that escorted the Earth Goddess before the Earth battle)》

・青いエンブレム(Blue emblem)

 (One downward-pointing wedge shape, with upper and lower pointed horns on either side of the top of the wedge shape)

 (Painted on the front of the Dark-Matter Repulsion Force Shield Sphere in the center on the bow)


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